Parenting a toddler is something that most parents have to deal with. I have tried to stay positive in the face of difficult parenting situations. I hope you can find some of the things that helped me. It could be your parenting guide too.

So I had a very positive outlook on parenting. It was never enough to allow me to feel OK. Once I started working through my parenting frustrations I knew it was OK and that I was making progress. I needed to keep up my optimistic attitude and find ways to help myself.

  • My advice for my children is that they need to express their emotions and learn how to handle them in a way that won’t upset mom and dad. I was the one who instilled in them to always express their feelings with words. When they did this and didn’t upset mom and dad, they were successful at keeping me from feeling overwhelmed by their behavior. I needed to tell them I understood and I was there for them whenever they needed me. It was OK to be angry but it’s not OK to shout or lose your temper.
  • Keep going. Do everything you can to give your child a sense of purpose. Give them tasks that they have no business doing but keep reminding them they have to do them and eventually it will become second nature to them.
  • So I had to keep telling myself that it was OK to let myself go when we had trouble… work was still important. I would do whatever I could to get my parenting done before bedtime. I also taught my children to say no when asked to do something. It’s OK to say no sometimes but you have to say now and know it is what you really want. Don’t let your mind play tricks on you, it will leave you tired and stressed.
  • Learn to say “no”… work for what you want. Kids are obsessed with having everything. They have to learn that if you want something it doesn’t have to come to them.
  • Don’t listen to your kids … work out your own issues. In today’s world, people are going to try to fill your life with things that don’t really matter. You have to be OK with that and take the time to say no.
  • Don’t spend your parenting time focusing on things that you are not OK with … work on yourself. Do something you like. You may be on a path you don’t like so avoid being in situations that won’t help you.
  • Parenting a toddler can be very stressful … work on managing that stress. Find time to relax and pamper yourself. Even just reading a book every once in a while can help you.
  • Don’t get stressed out over parenting a toddler… work on learning to have confidence. Have a support system. I believe in self-esteem more than anything else and my kids are trying to teach me how to manage it too.

Parenting a toddler can be difficult but there are some simple steps you can take to keep a positive mindset about it. Keep your emotions in check and keep going … work on self-improvement. If you learn how to keep all of those things in check you will have an easier time parenting a toddler. All the hard work will pay off in the end.

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