The relationship you have between you and your spouse is personal and private. Divorce does not have to change any of that. When you choose a divorce attorney, it is important that he or she is someone that you can trust and feel comfortable with.

Here are some tips to help you find a divorce attorney who can help you with the legal technicalities involved in divorce and at the same time offer you what you need most of all at this point in your life – trust.

From attorneys, but most especially from people that you know. It could be your friends and family. Be sure to ask a lot of questions, the most important of which is whom they would recommend as a divorce attorney and whom to avoid.

If you have dealt with attorneys before and liked their services, contact them, and ask for recommendations, if they do not handle divorce cases themselves.

You can do this by simply placing a call to your county or state bar association. This is a good way for you to find out whether your divorce attorney is really a member of the bar. On top of that, most state bar associations have their own lawyer referral programs to help you find a lawyer in your area who is experienced in the type of case you are involved in.

When looking to contract the services of a professional, the first and most important step is to know what you want and what to expect. It helps if you make a list of all the things that you are looking for in a divorce attorney.

Do you prefer your lawyer to be a man or woman? Young or old? Someone who will work to settle your case? Or someone who will fight to the end? It is all subjective at this point. A list will help you sort out the most important qualifications and separate them from the less important ones.

A good way to determine whether you feel comfortable with a lawyer or trust them is to schedule a free consultation. Be sure to ask a lot of questions. Remember, you are trying to assess this lawyer’s ability to give you what you want in a lawyer-client relationship, not just his skill with argumentation and debate.

Consider the following questions to ask:

* What will the fee be?

* Does the lawyer accept installments?

* What kind of outcome should you expect?

* How often will he or she be in contact?

* How quickly are phone calls returned?

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