When addressing a problem, any problem, 50% of the solution is accurate diagnostic of what exactly is the problem. Such accurate diagnostic of your boldness status will supply you with the tools to fight back, stop hair loss, and regain your thick hair.

Every hair follicle has a life cycle of between two and six years, which ends with the hair falling and a new one replacing it. 90% of the hair is at the growing stage, ANAGEN, at this stage the hair grows about 0.3 mm every day, and it lasts three years. The next stage is resting, KATAGEN, at this stage the hair does not grow and stay static for three weeks. The last stage takes place when the hair falls, TELOGEN, it can take up to three months to the hair to fall. Normally, at this stage new hair is growing.

The average person loses between 50 and 100 hairs daily. The hair grows about one CM a month. Blond people have more hairs, about 140,000, in comparison to darker hair people who have 90,000. Old people tend to lose more hair than growing them back.

Hair loss is usually diagnostic when large areas of the scalp are left with only thin hair. Usually, people notice hair loss when they comb, or at the shower. The hair loss results from the pressure on the hairs during these activities, and not necessarily indicate that you have a hair loss problem. One way to test if we are losing our hair is to pull your hair if you end up with more than 4-5 hairs in your hand you might have a problem. Another test is counting the hairs on your pillow in the morning. More than 8 hairs are an indication of serious hair loss.

Women and men lose their hair differently. Among men hair loss is usually related to hormones and genetics. It is a hereditary phenomenon that could jump over generations. While women suffer from a larger variety of reasons. Hereditary is the main reason, as with men, and more reasons like cold weather, high fever diseases, infective diseases, lack of protein, depression, high cholesterol, and more.

Hairs on the pillow are usually a result of hereditary, typical men oriented. Another symptom is losing hair from the forehead, AGA, the hair becomes downy and thin until it completely falls off. According to popular estimations, about 70% of men suffer from boldness by the age of fifty. About 25% of women under forty suffer from hair loss, and 50% over fifty suffer from thin hair look.

Now you probably say: OK we need help, where can we get it? Look for natural solutions. Keep looking until you find the best one for you. Do not stop looking for you will find a good solution eventually.

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