With the kitchen becoming increasingly the site for social and functional family gatherings, a beautiful and convenient kitchen is now a must-have as the heart and soul of every home. And just for the record, remodeling kitchens are among the most concern of residential renovations. It only shows that remodeling kitchens are a major step in achieving the most desirable improvement in the home as it increases the home’s value as well as making the family’s life much easier, workable, and enjoyable.

Remodeling kitchens though involves a lot of effort and financial management. It is very important to prepare the plan and budget before you start with the work. Experts rule out that its best to limit the spending on remodeling kitchens into only about 15% of the total value of your home. Don’t get swept into the spending of a long list of unbudgeted extras, as this could give you room to improve other parts of your house instead. That’s the basis for budgeting, and now for the plan.

In remodeling kitchens, the primary consideration in making the plan, layout, and design should be the use or activity in the kitchen. The idea is to make things as inviting and comfortable as possible for your friends and family. For sure, when a guest arrives in your home, he/she will be found in the kitchen for most of the time of his stay. So keep your kitchen as warm, welcoming, and not to mention convenient to suit all needs. Now that the first need is already mentioned (guest’s needs), time to outline your needs as a chef or entertainer.

In making the new or updated design for your kitchen, it is best to consider the fact that you need the greatest amount of space for your preparation activities. Follow the classic work-triangle concept; placing the 3 major kitchen components (ref, stove, and sink) in a triangle. This helps you get things done as easy and early as possible to still have time to entertain, mingle, and to relax yourself. You don’t want a situation where you have to tell guests that they’re getting in the way right? Another solution: a kitchen island or a small dining nook. This shall keep the hang-outers comfortable at the other side of the kitchen while you do your thing; at the same time keep them just around you for chitchats.

Next is to include the minute details that will make a huge statement for the overall feel of your kitchen: the lighting and the decorative cabinet hardware. Also include added flair through your choice of paint, finishes, curtain fabrics, hand towels, and dishes.

Functionality and/or style, what’s important is that each kitchen element should not boast of its beauty independently, but rather, stand consistent and harmonious with the entire theme of the kitchen. If your kitchen creates agreement, then most probably, so also does the people who are in it.

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